The Convention Committee plans the yearly STA Convention which falls on the first Friday in May, as one of the Surrey Teachers’ Pro D days, according to our contract. We plan full programs with keynote speakers and workshops for members at several different sites, hosted at Secondary schools in our district, and we plan excursions as well. The STA convention is the largest teacher-planned conference for teachers in BC.  We need committee members to plan for each of our sites, Primary, Intermediate, Secondary and Aboriginal, as well as for the excursions. If you have a panache for organizing, please join us! Teachers in Surrey can be really proud that this Pro D day is our marquee event of the year, and each year it is improving. Often, we have Surrey teachers leading workshops for their colleagues, trying out their ideas and developing their leadership and presentation skills.  Check out!


2 years

Number of Members


Chair (Professional Development Officer)

Erin Coleman

Aboriginal Sub-Committee Members

Jacquie King (2023-2025)
Annie Ohana (2022-2024)
Carolyn Sousa (2022-2024)

Primary Sub-Committee Members

Kevin Amboe (2022-2024)
Vanessa Broadworth (2022-2024)
Katalin Toreky Paziuk (2022-2024)
Marilyn Carr (2023-2025)

Intermediate Sub-Committee Members

Dana Neidig (2022-2024)
Laila Testini (2022-2024)
Erica Campbell (2023-2025)
Manji Kaur Khun-Khuna (2023-2025)

Secondary Sub-Committee Members

Karen Moon (2022-2024)

Offsite/Excursion Sub-Committee Members

No member indicated as of yet