The TTOC Committee facilitates communication between TTOCs with respect to TTOC issues.

The committee makes recommendations to the Executive Committee regarding TTOC issues. They plan and organize events for TTOCs including pro d and information sessions.

    1. We have proved that TTOCs are not voiceless or powerless in this district. We can make changes if we ask for them and when we work together.
    2. EI Workshops held in the Spring.
    3. Multiple workshops and socials for TTOCs held over the school year
    4. TTOC representative at Fraser Valley Zone meeting.
    5. TTOC Year-End social event
    6. Monitoring the size of the TTOC list
    7. Regular monthly TTOC Committee meetings.
    8. TTOC representative on the STA Bargaining Committee
    9. To inform TTOCs of their rights protected by the Collective Agreement
    10. To advocate TTOC issues as preparations in bargaining
    11. To organize workshops and Professional Development opportunities relevant for TTOCs.
    12. To provide TTOCs with updated information regarding school locations, contacts, and bell schedules.
    13. To organize social events throughout the year for TTOCs to gather and meet one another.
    14. To improve communication between TTOCs.

    For more TTOC information, visit our TTOC Resources.