• SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
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    Remedy Update 

    There was a new Letter of Agreement between the Surrey School District and the Surrey Teachers’ Association with regards to Other Forms of Remedy and Carry Over of Unused Remedy

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    • SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
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    BCTF AGM 2023 Call for Resolutions

    Do you have a burning idea to improve the way things are done in the BCTF? Did you know that all policies in the BCTF Members Guide started with an

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    • SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
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    Health & Safety

    Welcome back colleagues.  Wishing you a safe year but be aware that cCOVID has not disappeared.  The latest directives from the government are dated August 25, 2022.  Present restrictions are

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    • SEPTEMBER 12, 2022
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    Welcome Back!

    Dear friends,   Welcome back! I hope you had a refreshing wonderful summer break! I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. Surrey

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    • JUNE 23, 2022
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    Year-End President Message

    Hello friends!  It’s hard to believe that another school year is finished. What a historic year it’s been!  We began the year going back to full time face-to-face instruction for

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    • JUNE 22, 2022
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    Elementary Are you interested in creating a mentorship culture within your school?  The Mentor36 program will support your school team to co-create learning opportunities for professional growth…

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