Latest News

  • Remedy Story

    At the heart of the remedy story is the 2002 illegal stripping of the language we had in our contracts in the 1990s. This is the language that was supposedRead more

  • Refusal of Unsafe Work

    There has been an amendment to the right to refuse unsafe work legislation.  The new section requires an employer to provide written notice of a work refusal while the employerRead more

  • Ventilation

    Respiratory issues  If members are experiencing respiratory issues they find connected with a workspace, they should ask for the air quality in the space to be assessed using the IndoorRead more

  • Monthly Support for Grade 4-7 Teachers Teaching Core French

    Tanya Campbell from the BCATML and Jennifer Slack from MyPita are holding their Core French support sessions again this year. All teachers teaching Grade 4-7 Core French are welcome toRead more

  • Pro-D Rep Opportunities

    Teaching History this year? There are Two Online Professional Development Series on Historical Thinking – Starting in September!   Virtual Historical Thinking Institute (VHTI) – 8 sessions for $175 +GST  TheRead more

  • Volunteer as a Peer Support Consultant

    As you continue growing in your teaching career, you may feel the desire to give back to the profession in the same way that others helped you at various pointsRead more

  • Student School Attendance

    Students may attend school upon returning from international travel, provided they adhere to the following requirements.  Unvaccinated and partially vaccinated children under 12 must wear a mask when in public spaces for theRead more

  • Injured at Work (including COVID)

    If you are injured at work, it is important to call the WorkSafeBC Claims Call Centre at 604.231.8888.  They will give you a claim number to put on your FormRead more

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that STA members have the privilege of working on the unceded ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples, the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qiqéyt (Qayqayt) and sɛmiˈɑːmuː (Semiahmoo) who have cared for this land for thousands of years, and who continue to care for this land. As educators, we are committed to actions aimed at healing the broken relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples.

School Visit

We’d like to visit your school! Let us know which date you’d prefer. We are available for lunch or after school visits.

The Advocate

The Advocate is a seasonal publication for members. The Advocate contains a report from the President, information from the table officers, updates, and information on current educational issues and issues of importance to Surrey teachers.