Latest News

  • Staff Reps

    We really appreciate and support our Staff Reps and are always grateful for what they do for our members and the association. The staff rep is the peer of theRead more

  • Job Shares

    In February of 2021, the employer notified us that it would no longer allow job share partners to “swap days” (trade or swap days outside of their regularly scheduled daysRead more

  • Remedy Update 

    There was a new Letter of Agreement between the Surrey School District and the Surrey Teachers’ Association with regards to Other Forms of Remedy and Carry Over of Unused RemedyRead more

  • BCTF AGM 2023 Call for Resolutions

    Do you have a burning idea to improve the way things are done in the BCTF? Did you know that all policies in the BCTF Members Guide started with anRead more

  • Health & Safety

    Welcome back colleagues.  Wishing you a safe year but be aware that cCOVID has not disappeared.  The latest directives from the government are dated August 25, 2022.  Present restrictions areRead more

  • Welcome Back!

    Dear friends,   Welcome back! I hope you had a refreshing wonderful summer break! I also hope you are relaxed, recharged and ready to start a new school year. SurreyRead more

  • Year-End President Message

    Hello friends!  It’s hard to believe that another school year is finished. What a historic year it’s been!  We began the year going back to full time face-to-face instruction forRead more

  • Mentor36

    Elementary Are you interested in creating a mentorship culture within your school?  The Mentor36 program will support your school team to co-create learning opportunities for professional growth and to fosterRead more

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that STA members have the privilege of working on the unceded ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples, the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qiqéyt (Qayqayt) and sɛmiˈɑːmuː (Semiahmoo) who have cared for this land for thousands of years, and who continue to care for this land. As educators, we are committed to actions aimed at healing the broken relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples.

School Visit

We’d like to visit your school! Let us know which date you’d prefer. We are available for lunch or after school visits.

The Advocate

The Advocate is a seasonal publication for members. The Advocate contains a report from the President, information from the table officers, updates, and information on current educational issues and issues of importance to Surrey teachers.