Latest News

  • Round 3 Posting Information: Regular and Special Bulletins

    Reminder that you’re not eligible for Regular Round 3 postings if you already have a contract position but you can check the Special Bulletins as you may be eligible for postings there.   Round 3 Postings for 2021-2022 areRead more

  • Out of our Pockets

    The Out of Our Pockets (OOOP) project is a Web-based research tool that will enable teachers and other education workers to document and record instances where they use their own money to purchase thingsRead more

  • Mentor36

    Our Mentor Application Form for the 2021-2022 school year is now open for teachers who work at our Elementary Schools and Learning Centres.  If you’re interested in being a mentor, we inviteRead more

  • Consolidated Pro-D funds

    The deadline for applying for Consolidated Pro-D funds is Friday, June 25.  Consolidated Pro-D applications can be emailed to, or faxed to (604) 594-5176 for the approval process.  The deadline for use of the Consolidated Pro-DRead more

  • About Round 3

    Round 3 postings are not available for those who already have a position or posted into a position in Round 1 or 2.  Round 3 positions however, are term specific and will be repostedRead more

  • No place for hate in our schools

    Pride month is an opportunity not just to celebrate, but to work against Homophobia, Biphobia, Queerphobia, Transphobia and all phobias against diverse sexual orientations and gender identities. As educators we all have aRead more

  • Vaccines

    If you have NOT YET HAD YOUR FIRST DOSE of the vaccine:   Go to the booking site located at: (Link not supported by Internet Explorer)  Follow booking instructions. The access code: dogwood   Access code needsRead more

  • Join the Environmental Justice Committee!

    If you are concerned about the climate crisis, consider putting your name forward to be elected at STARA on Thursday, June 16 to the Ad Hoc STA Environmental Justice Committee whichRead more

Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge with gratitude and respect that STA members have the privilege of working on the unceded ancestral territory of the Coast Salish peoples, the qʼʷa:n̓ƛʼən̓ (Kwantlen), q̓ic̓əy̓ (Katzie), qiqéyt (Qayqayt) and sɛmiˈɑːmuː (Semiahmoo) who have cared for this land for thousands of years, and who continue to care for this land. As educators, we are committed to actions aimed at healing the broken relationship between settlers and Indigenous peoples.

School Visit

We’d like to visit your school! Let us know which date you’d prefer. We are available for lunch or after school visits.

The Advocate

The Advocate is a seasonal publication for members. The Advocate contains a report from the President, information from the table officers, updates, and information on current educational issues and issues of importance to Surrey teachers.